End of December 2019 is a Major Turning Point. Make a Radical Decision.

No pressure but these next three WEEKS will be unlike any of us have ever seen. Ever.

And it all starts this weekend!

My question to you is do you feel like you're totally in flow with your destiny?

If so, awesome! I'd love to know who you are as you've made it through the gnarliest pressure cooker. 

Wait... What gateway? Who's cooking?

The crucible of a decade comes at this change over point this weekend. The Earth and the Sun will align with the Galatic Center on 21:12 (12:21).

See photo:

 (For more info on this cosmic context check out my previous blog.)

Combined with the solstice on the 22, the first eclipse on Dec 26 while Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, and Pluto are ALL in Capricorn. Followed by Mercury on Dec 29!

What does all this mean?

A serious EXPLOSION of energy.

Imagine hauling ass in a sports car around an entire track all year, all decade, and for some of us ALL OF OUR LIVES, and we are now coming around the LAST BEND.

This is it, everything in your life has come to this point. Once you cross that finish line, with the ending of the eclipses on Jan 12, which are known as reset points, we will be on a new path.

Three eclipses and all of these planetary shifts propel us into a new decade, of which is a leap year, which is not common.

What does that look like for you?

Is it more of the same of the past, not living in full alignment, living in fear and self-doubt, hanging out in unfulfilling roles, unhealthy relationships and just being on the bottom of the glass in life. 

Or is it something beyond what you can perceive right now, perhaps anything in-between.

For those that are still working there way into their commitment to their dreams and feeling their way through, please read on.

Over the last few months we've all been pushed towards a funnel and we are almost out the other side. It's no coincidence fires are raging, President's are bing impeached, Volcanos are exploding and a few more crazy scenarios will unfold.


Stake your claim on your dreams and make your choices this WEEKEND.

You will not be disappointed you took the RISK and made the leap.

This is not a weekend or week to leave anything in the tank or leave it up to chance.

I honestly feel that the energy of the next decade will be crafted by the intentions and commitments you show yourself over these next two weeks. Don't leave it to the last second, we're already in the last minute.

Take some time this weekend and make your bets because the last call is coming.

Who are you betting on?

Take the risk. Back your self, your heart.


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In Greatness and Responsibility,

Alistair Hart


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