DIY Human Enhancement 

with Alistair Hart

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Who is Alistair Hart?

Alistair Hart is an Australian vitality and consciousness coach and founder of the COHE. Alistair has over a decade of direct experience in personal transformation, detoxification and inner engineering. A metaphysical, esoteric and shamanic student, Alistair is also a qualified tantra, hatha and vedanta yoga and meditation teacher. Having developed a diverse toolkit as an intuitive healer his focus has been on self empowerment and spiritual nutrition. Work he describes as 'internal relations'.

Alistair founded the COHE in 2019 as an initiative focused on enhancing the health and performance of the mind, body and spirit.


  • Alistair has a Masters of International Relations and a Masters of International Communications, as well as a Bachelor of International Studies from Macquarie University, he is bilingual in Spanish.

Alistair has successfully completed;

  • Hatha, Tantra, Vedanta Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance Certified).
  • Meditation Teacher Training
  • Life Coach Training.

Alistair's commitment to self healing and wellbeing was the result of extensive rehabilitation throughout his teenage years and most of his twenties. Resulting from health issues and illnesses that were hard to detect and even harder to diagnose.

In the processes of overcoming these aliments Alistair completed and experimented with various therapies, conventional medical and specialist assessments and protocols, innovative surgeries, alternative medicines and lifestyle practices. 

Medical History:

  • Broken right arm, broken right ankle, left shoulder reconstruction, right hip bursitis, eye (sclera) transplants, sinus and septum reconstruction, a tonsillectomy, frequent sprains, yearly courses of antibiotics and the contraction of a volatile parasite resulting in IBS, leaky gut and allergies.
  • All of which, he has acknowledged impacted him mentally and emotionally, yet his lighthearted humours approach has always been optimised that victory lives within.  


Throughout the years Alistair has also completed various Vipassana mediation retreats (10 day silences with 10 hours of meditation a day), practiced martial arts, yoga and studied vast amounts of metaphysical esoteric texts, conducted various intermittent and extended fasts, undergone seasonal detoxification practices and cleanses, completed regular ceremonial plant medicine journeys, sweat lodges, supported Vision Quests, completed personal development programs, sought elite life coaching services and sought the direction of renowned spiritual guides. 


The breath and depth of his studies has brought him across the world, meeting traditional elders from the continents at times of gatherings and prophecy.

Alistair has been acknowledged by many leaders and mystics as a man to lead great change, a path after much resistance he now humbly walks. Bridging the worlds and standing in the gap to help guide people back home within themselves.


By the age of 30 Alistair has healed himself of the majority of his aliments, pain and developed his abilities as a healer and spiritual advisor. Prior to the COHE Alistair had a promising career in the private equity, family office and investment space. After extensive experience in technology development, start-ups, HR, sales performance and marketing. 

Alistair's realisation throughout his physical, emotional, spiritual and mental hardships was that 'our higher selves agree to situations that place our life on a trajectory of self-realisation and actualisation. Sooner or later we are forced to deal with our truth.'

After developing the courage, strength and discipline to surrender to his greatest fears Alistair was gifted an awareness that elevated his consciousness. Awakening him to a daily reality that often seems stranger than what many can believe is possible. Alistair is on a path of authoritative mediumship between the seen and the unseen worlds, and how they impact the life of an individual within the context of the earth today.


Alistair now works with children and adults as part of the COHE. By listening to the contemporary needs of others and teaching available systems and processes of wellbeing he is embodying what it means to be a high vibrational being incarnated on earth at this time. 

Learn more about his story here.

Do you need a friend to help support you?

Alistair is available for a call, should you wish to see if his mentorship and coaching could be of use to you right now.

Otherwise, visit our range of courses available here or view our resources listed on our blog or YouTube.

Love and Unity,

The COHE Team.

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15 minute call


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